Thursday, November 28, 2013

Turkey Trot

MW: ?
Days to Race: 87
Distance/Time: 6.2 mi/1:20:53

Happy Thanksgiving! I completed my 10K and did it in under my goal time. According to MapMyRun, my pace was at 13:03/mile which I am very pleased with. It was very cold and I was so nervous being surrounded by all those people. Luckily, that didn't last too long. I had a nice group around me as I did my thing running 2 minutes and walking 1 minute, but when it came time for the 5Kers to split off, I suddenly found myself running alone.

I always like to joke that I am the mouth-breather bringing up the rear and this time that was literally what happened. The good news is it didn't bother me too much aside from a minor swear when the front pacer lapped me after about a half-hour in. That dude could run!

Towards the end, though I managed to pass two people, one of whom asked me if there was anyone behind me. She wasn't too happy when I told her that I didn't think so. So I told her we were miles ahead of the people who didn't start. She didn't appreciate that either. Some people just take this stuff too seriously. Or they don't read the right motivational memes.

So I was last and got a police escort to the finish line. The point is I ran, I did it under goal and had a good time doing it (no injuries!). Now my legs are sore and all I want is turkey and beer. If you'll please excuse me :-) I have some pants that I should be busting out of soon.

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