Thursday, November 7, 2013

Coffee Please

MW: Forgot
Days to Race: 108
Distance/Time: 2.2 mi/30 min

I had an early day this morning, which means an earlier run. Funny thing was, I had no problem waking up at 5:15, but now that I'm done and on the couch, I really want to go back to bed and pull the covers over my head, find that super comfey spot that I'd left and return to dreamland. Alas, it is not an option.

Today's run went well. I managed to cut my time on the trail by about 20 seconds, though my right hip started to hurt after a while. I have to keep an eye on that and maybe scale things back a little. I definitely need new running shoes, too so that might be happening on Saturday. My current pair is probably about 2 years old, though it's only lately that I've been putting miles on it. Though they look okay, I can tell that there is nothing left of the insides. So... that means I get to go shopping! Last week it was resistance bands, this week it's shoes (and maybe a foam roller).

One thing that I've had to combat recently is the runner's munchies. Basically, because you're running, you just get hungry all the time. The sad thing is that you're really not expending that many calories in a day so always being hungry can get dangerous. Online advice recommends focusing on eating more healthy foods in these instances.

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