Wednesday, May 29, 2013

C25K 8.3 and 9.1

MW: 138
Days to Race: 270
8.3: 2.44 mi/38 min
9.1: 2.81 mi/42 min

I was at the beach for the weekend. Regrettably, I did not take advantage of the opportunity to run by the ocean, instead opting for the flat road running parallel. Still, there is something about being at the beach that makes life just a little better. I was amazed at how many fit people were on the road at all times there. In my little town, you'll sometimes see a person here and there but not with the same frequency. And the dogs. So many delightful dogs.

I'd planned to run twice on my trip, but two nights ago, my body gave me a big f-you and I decided to put my plan on hold for a day. Even today, I was a bit worried about going full out 30 minutes, but I'm glad I did. As always, the first 5 minutes were the worst, but after that first mile, magic happens. I find my rhythm and feel like I could go on forever. Luckily, my calf muscles keep me in line.

I couldn't help but think, however, that this is only a quarter of my goal distance. I'm doing well. Running on track and constantly improving, but it's hard to imagine running for 13.1 miles, let alone 10K. Every week, I'm going further and faster than ever before and the victories are small. Today, I'm bringing in a cake for a co-worker's birthday so maybe I'll consider my slice a celebration of how far I've come.

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