Tuesday, May 21, 2013

C25K 8.1

MW: ---
Days to race: 278
Distance/Time: 2.5 mi/40 min

I usually run on Mondays, but I had a good friend staying over and that not only meant a busy morning, but also an unhealthy night before (all my own fault, mind you). So instead, I scheduled my run for Tuesday and that extra day really made a difference. Or maybe it was the whole grain toast with natural peanut butter (a common entry of recommended pre-run breakfasts).

As I started out, everything seemed to be in order right down to the same point in my run that I have to pee and how I have to give myself the biggest pep talks the first five minutes in. For some reason, they always seem to be the most difficult as I huff and puff and struggle to find my rhythm. But then, disaster struck. And by disaster, I mean I accidentally restarted my podcast. The music vanished and instead, my co-pilot began talking to be about talking back to my negative self-comments. And of course, I'd forgotten to wear my watch so I had no idea how long I'd been running and since it was the first run of the week, about how far I would get.

I tried to do the math, but if you've tried to run, keeping those numbers aligned in a bouncing brain is not easy. Instead, I knew I had about 3 extra minutes of running to go so I took the point that I think I'd gotten to last week and then extended it to give myself a ballpark. And then I surpassed it. I definitely ran over 30 minutes today and felt like I could have done more. Just knowing this gives me a great deal more chutzpah for the rest of the program. I just have to stay smart about it.

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