Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Retreat a mile, Advance an inch

MW: 133.2
Days to Race: 151
Distance/Time: 1.5 mi/ 23 min

Don't mistake me. I'm back, but I'm not better and to be honest, I don't know that I'll be better for a long time. Still, while my health issues aren't going away, neither is the half-marathon, nor is the fact that the only time I feel strong and good about myself is when I'm running. Even if I can barely do a minimum.

. I tried running yesterday and only made it about 11 minutes before I had to stop. Today, my goal was two 10 minute runs. I made one 10 minute run and one 5 minute run. I'm trying not to look back at how awesome I was just a week and a half ago (4 miles! a 5K!) but instead focus on how strong I'll be at some point. So no, today was not a good day, but it was also not a day when I gave up.

I might be more like Pickett trying to make it up that hill at Gettysburg than a conquering Alexander the Great, but the fight still continues.

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