Tuesday, September 10, 2013

B210K 3.1

MW: 134
Days to Race: 166
Distance/Time: 3.73/ 53 min

Another early morning. I need to get used to this. It's now over an hour for my runs including warm up and cool down. Of course this also means early to bed, so I've been working on getting between the covers early and then reading. It's a good chance to unwind, thing about the day ahead and psych myself up for the next run.

Today, I completed my first day of week three. That's 3 17 minute runs with a 1 minute walk between them. Without a copilot telling me when to stop and start again, that meant I had to do some simple math on the fly. I like doing math when I'm running. Figuring out how long I've been running and how much further I have to go. It keeps my mind off the aches and pains, the hunger and the bodily necessities that seem to crop up right when I'm furthest from home. But man, I am terrible with my sevens. It took me counting on my fingers to get the right minutes for when I should walk. Another reason I'm really enjoying running in the dark.

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