Friday, August 16, 2013

Ready to move on

MW: 135
Days to Race: 191
Distance/Time: 2.2 mi/30.22 min

It was a perfect day for a run. A cool breeze, good sunshine and for the most part, quiet. When I first started out today, I thought about my 30 minute goal and the distance that it would take to cover it. It seemed so far, so long. As I started, though, the minutes flew by, as did the miles. Distance and time really are mostly mental. That's not to say that I wasn't sore and ready to stop when I reached the finishing line, but I did so knowing I was capable of more.

On Sunday, I'll start the Bridge to 10K program. There are plenty of these programs out there but they are all designed for Couch to 5K graduates to move on to the next level. The first week seems like a step back, you run for 10 minutes/walk for 1 and repeat that 3 times. If you look at the rest of the program, though, you'll see that that first "easy" week is only a building block to gradually and safely increase mileage until you are running a full hour, which for most people will be 6 miles but at my current rate will probably be closer to 4. Even so, I do notice I'm getting faster and my stride is getting longer. I'm not quite shuffling anymore. When I pass a big window, I slow down and wonder: who's that runner in the ball cap?

Happy Friday!

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