Saturday, August 10, 2013

I feel like Clark Kent without his glasses

MW: 131.8
Days to Race: 197
Distance/Time: 1.37 mi/18.12

I ran good and hard yesterday, then I looked at the calendar and realized that it was unlikely that I would get a chance to get out on Sunday, so I decided to do a small run today. I planned to take it easy, but my legs had other ideas. I should keep them more in line, I suppose, but it was a beautiful day and I wasn't going far. My usual pace is about a 14-15 minute mile. Today I ran more of a 13.5 minute mile. It's a marked improvement, though still not at the 12 minute pace that would have allowed me to pass gym class back in high school. One of my side goals is to go to a track one day and finally hit that pace. It would be a triumph over the soccer players and track stars who made it all look so easy as they blew past me again and again (I was repeatedly lapped). It was always a painful experience because I didn't feel like I was capable of even running the bare minimum. Those old mantras of "I'm fat, I'm lazy, I'm stupid, I can't do this" would roll through my head, gouging into my self-esteem. It's taken me a long time to get to where I am and to know that I'm none of those things.

Anyways, I ran well today and feel good about continuing on. My ball cap, however, is disgusting. My new present to myself is going to be a proper cap that hopefully won't get sweat stains in the crux between the bill and the rest of the cap. Wearing a hat while I run makes me feel like I'm incognito. I'm just another runner on the road.

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