Thursday, July 25, 2013

Recovering (Again)

MW: 133
Days to Race: 213
Distance/Time: 1.7 mi/ 25.35

It's been a while and I'd like to think I have a good reason for taking a week off (and not an excuse). The condition that keeps biting me in the ass struck again at the end of last week, requiring rest and recovery. A week can seem to go by so quickly (hello, vacation to Hawaii) or so slowly like this past one. It's frustrating to know your body's capabilities and yet be completely wiped out for a period of time. Especially when your legs are screaming to be allowed to go outside and play. There is no magic pill that will bring you back to where you were, only time and care and my least favorite thing: patience.

Yesterday was the first day that I tried to get back out there. I lasted 10 minutes of jogging before I had to walk. It's funny how two months ago, 10 minutes would have been a miracle, something to celebrate, but that day, it was a kick in the rear. So, today, I strapped my sneakers back on and tried again. Instead of expecting myself to be even close to the top of my game, I broke my run down. 5 minutes running, 2 minutes walking and then repeating the process. It wasn't pretty, but it was better than yesterday. Tomorrow, I'll reach for a DVD and Saturday, I'll strap those shoes on again and shoot for a bit further.

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