Thursday, July 4, 2013


MW: 136.7
Days to Race: 234
Distance/Time: 1.68 mi/21.24 min

I usually don't run two days in a row. Every book I read states how important rest days are. And by rest, I don't necessarily mean doing nothing, but rather working on flexibility or strength (I like my yoga and Pilates DVDs). But, tomorrow is not going to work as a running day, so I needed to make an exception. So, I didn't push myself too hard and ran this week's course more as a matter of fact.

I was going fine, chugging along when another runner passed me by. She was very nice in our brief greeting, but what caught my attention was that my feet were hitting the ground far more often than hers were and yet she was moving at nearly twice my speed with much less effort. Part of it is probably the fact that she had about 3 extra inches of leg, but I also noticed that her strides were longer too. My general running movement is more of a bouncing shuffle. It's ridiculous and combined with the mouth breathing, I'd be embarrassed if I wasn't wearing my lucky Phillies cap (and too focused to really care how I look). And after spending so much time running alone, figuring out how my body moves, it was nice to see how someone else managed to be a bit more efficient. So, one of my next steps will be to focus on lengthening my stride.

Also, Happy 4th!

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