Sunday, June 5, 2011

And Done!

The Last books with my final counts at the bottom. Next up: Bed. Sweet, wonderful and beautiful bed. Though I do still have so many books that I did not get to this weekend.

In Too Deep by Jayne Ann Krentz. A solid addition to Krentz's Arcane Society Books

Hitalia: Axis Powers Volume One by Hidekaz Himaruya. A strange graphic novel that personifies each country in the world during World War II as young men. Hilarious.

Land of the Blindfolded Volumes 1-2 by Tsukuba Sakura. The first two graphic novels in a series about a girl who can see the future of whatever she touches and a boy who can see the past. Cute, but a pretty typical shoujo manga.

Hot Gimmick Volumes 3-4 by Miki Aihara. Another shoujo manga about a girl who has attracted the interest of her father's boss's son. The artwork is attractive and the relationships between characters would do an American soap proud (all but a case of amnesia, I'd say).

Time spent reading: 46 hours, 9 minutes
Blogging: 1 hour, 21 minutes
Grand total time: 47 hours, 30 minutes
Total books read: 11.5
Pages read: 2901
Donations: $145 + 5 bags of Dog/cat food

Many thanks go out to friend/co-worker Kristin for the chocolate chip cookie bars (still need that recipe) and introducing me to this wild and crazy weekend thing. As well as my boss who provided delicious (and much needed) coffee and English muffins. And my fellow readers for their support (any comments to this post will continue to contribute to my donations until the 48HBC is over). And of course, to Mother Reader.


Kristin said...

Amazing job! And I think you should totally get bonus points for the lost time you used to reunite the cat with its family. Otherwise, you would have been straight up 48 hours, I'm sure.

Sparrow said...

Thanks Kristin, but I also nodded off once in the wee hours this morning.

Abby said...

Way to go!! I'm really impressed you could stay up all weekend. Super!

Bookologist said...

That's really impressive. I didn't think it was possible to stay awake for that long, let alone spend all that time reading/blogging! Great job!

Ms. Yingling said...

You are an extreme marathon runner of reading. Way to go! And I laughed at your description-- I can't do buns, either, but I can rock a cardigan!

Nanc said...

From your mother, also a reader, well done! I am impressed with your dedication,endurance,and always your words.

MotherReader said...

Fantastic job! What amazing dedication! Thanks for playing this year!

Peggy said...

Wonderful job! Definitely a bonus for the kitty cat....I am donating to Living Water Food Pantry for the great job you and Kristin (Blue Castle) did this weekend. Maineac-Maggie!

Sparrow said...

Thanks Peggy! Your support is so important!

Amy said...

Congrats! I'm so impressed with all your reading!