Saturday, June 4, 2011

Still Slogging Along...

Just finished Chime by Franny Billingsley. Set in a boggy area of England during the reign of Queen Anne, Chime is about Briony, a girl with a terrible secret. In a world caught between technology and tradition, she is a witch. She has done terrible, awful things. But then Eldric arrives. Handsome and kind Eldric (a Peeta of the past if you will). Then everything changes.

Loved the story. Loved the author's use of words, some of which are Billingsley's own creation (reminding me of The Jabberwocky), with a sense of humor reminiscent of Oscar Wilde. High Praise indeed, eh? Definitely recommend this one.

Up Next: American Born Chinese


Lady S. said...

I loved Chime too - one of my favourites this year.

susan259 said...

Great job! Keep up the reading. Pour yourself a cup of your favorite caffeine.


Leila said...

Loved Chime -- so beautifully written!