Friday, June 3, 2011

Hour Eleven

Wow, this is the longest I've just sat down and read in years. Still going strong though! Luckily I can read and stroke needy kittens at the same time.

I finished Gates of Fire by Steven Pressfield. Wow. That is the first word to come to mind. This book has been recommended to me for years by many friends so I finally decided to give it a try. It is about the Battle of Thermopylae (Think the movie, 300) as told through the eyes of a helot (which I think is some sort of slave, though I have to look it up once this weekend is over) who served as a squire to one of the 300 Spartans who died during the battle. My favorite thing about the book was how Pressfield makes these Spartans, who have been trained from birth as hardened warriors, utterly sympathetic (though not always likable) characters. They are elite in battle, yet they still experience numbing shock in the aftermath. The only thing I can really say that I did not like was the pacing. The novel jumps through time, forwards and back, at will and that was a little jarring at times.

After Gates of Fire, I picked up Dead Until Dark, the first Sookie Stackhouse book by Charlaine Harris. I liked the plot and the characters, though her writing style left a bit to be desired. It does make me want to watch True Blood though!

And Finally: I started one of Carly Phillips' books from the Lucky series. I cannot remember the title and don't feel like turning my zune back on. Very helpful in feeding the cats and myself, washing dishes and doing a little stretches.

Up next, I have Chime by Fanny Billingsley.


Bookologist said...

No comments yet but you're donating to a charity?! I'll have to link to you. I finished Creature Tech, so you can check out my review-ish on my blog. I'm not a regular in blogging, so I may not do it very well, but I thought it was a great book!

Michelle Stockard Miller said...

I've had Gates of Fire on my shelves for years. I really must get it out and read it. Good job finishing it!

Happy reading!

Sparrow said...

Bookologist: I did read your post and Creature Tech is on my list of books to read.

Michelle: Thank you! I hope you enjoy Gates of Fire as well.