Thursday, April 28, 2011

Practice Weekend

I think I was a little overeager for the 48 HBC and started putting books on hold way too early. So, I have a glut of books and tons of time before they would have been read. Instead, I will take advantage of this and the expected beautiful weather and have a practice weekend. Damn it! Why are there more good books than usable hours?


Kristin said...

I don't know if I should be talking to you, since you checked out one of Julie's books before it had a chance to get down here so I could check it out (Abandon). At least I have enough books (I hope). Thanks for commenting on my blog so I could find yours!

I really ought to get you do redesign my blog look. Where is the edit template section? I looked but couldn't find it.

Ms. Yingling said...

You will need a lot of books, so it's a good idea to stock pile a bit. Have fun!

Sparrow said...

Kristin: I will move that one to the top of my pile in hopes of sending it down. It's been on my To Read list for a while and when I saw it in the tote sans hold I couldn't resist!

Ms. Yingling: Thank you for the advice!